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Patiently Waiting for A Bun Dance

Abundance: A Mystery

           She stopped short. The sun made her squint. “Patiently Waiting for a Bun Dance,” it read. Laminated and nailed to a tree, it was angled just right for viewing. It left many unanswered questions including who is waiting and why; but she had to continue on her walk to work.


            What now?

            “You can’t leave.”

            She spun around, “Why not?”

            “You are the one sent to help me.”   

            Unsure of how to respond, “I’m late for work,” she said, glancing around. She brought her attention to the young man before her as she realized her negative thinking was bubbling on the surface.

            Silence. He pointed. She looked up. She read his sign again.

            “Many people have passed by, but you stopped.”

            “Are you really waiting for . . . I mean, what can I do for you?”

            “I have been out of a job, my family is hungry; after praying, I felt compelled to put up this sign. Help?”

            Oh my. He was right. She was sent to help. “I need a janitor to clean my building. I can pay you cash every day you show up the first week. After that, if you do a good job, you will be on payroll like everyone else; but I have one question.”


            “The sign. What’s it about?”

            “Waiting patiently for answered prayer. I knew abundance would provide for my family.” With that, he hooped and hollered, then danced around the tree with gratefulness.


Esther McDaniel enjoys writing stories that contains information and messages we can use to better ourselves and society. 

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. David

    It’s humorous what can come of miss-spelled words.

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